Professional Development
UNI AMA is dedicated to offering professional development opportunities to all members to assist in building their business and marketing competencies. We achieve this through networking with professionals, our newly established mentor program, the utilization of campus resources, and brand-new, innovative workshops.
Monthly Speaker Meetings
Goal: Host 6 speaker meetings for the entire academic year with an average of 30 attendees per meeting.
Strategy: Pursue elite marketing specific speakers that expose our members to real world experience and tips to pursuing their future careers. The following marketing experts will present and help bridge the gap between the classroom and marketing professions:
Fall 2014
Emily Kobusch - TEKsystems
Alyssa Nolte - iTracking Research
Specialist Workshops
Goal: Host six workshops throughout the academic year with an average of 30 attendees.
Strategy: Shape workshops that engage members in team enrichment activities, clarify the importance of proper communication, and teach highly valuable marketing skills.
Fall 2014
Student Involvement Center – Team Engagement
Career Services - Build Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile​
AMA Regional Conference (NEW)
Goal: Send 20 members to the AMA Regional Conference at Aurora University
Strategy: Network with other AMA chapters and business professionals to help members build relationships, develop interactive skills, and discover possible career paths.
Advertising Competition
Goal: Hold our 􀄮rst UNI AMA advertising competition with minimum of 40 participants.
Strategies: Promote the UNI AMA Advertising Competition to all business, communica􀆟on, and graphic design majors. Work with one corporate sponsor to select the winners of the competition.
Aligning Professions (NEW)
Goal: Give members priority in finding job opportunities in the Cedar Valley after graduation by touring three corporate facilities in one day.
Strategy: Partner with UNI Career Services and Cedar Valley Alliance to tour and network with start-up businesses and Fortune 500 companies around the Cedar Valley. The desired companies seek to hire both internships and full time employees. This opportunity allows members to build relationships and expand their network with Cedar Valley business leaders.
Resume Catalog (ENHANCED)
Goal: Award our members by sharing their resumes with all corporate sponsors and company tours.
Strategy: Encourage all members to create an a􀆩rac􀆟ve resume and submit it to our Vice President of Professional Development. This individual will then compile all resumes into one electronic copy for each corporate sponsor and company tours.
Mentorship Program (NEW)
Goal: Establish and offer the opportunity for members to obtain a mentor with similar interests in their profession.
Strategy: Partner with the Cedar Valley Young Professionals Alliance to establish a mentorship program and pair members among organizations. This will ream benefits for both the mentor and mentee as they meet once a month to discuss career developmental opportunities, real world experience, and strengthen relationships.
AMA Pals
Goal: All UNI AMA Execu􀆟ve Board leaders will pair with one new UNI AMA member each semester.
Strategy: To help new members feel welcome our execuve leaders will partner with new members to encourage each to participate in the activities AMA offers, help with class scheduling, and critique resumes.
Etiquette Dinner (NEW)
Goal: Reward members by hosting one etiquette dinner each semester with 20 students and numerous business leaders and one guest speaker to teach proper dinner etiquette.
Strategy: Invite all members and mentees to join us in the first UNI AMA Etiquette to provide members the opportunity to learn proper dinner etiquette and converse with top Cedar Valley business professionals.
International Collegiate Conference(ENHANCED)
Goal: Send 15 engaged members from the UNI AMA chapter to the Interna􀆟onal Collegiate Conference in New Orleans. Members will participate in four competitions while attending.
Strategy: Encourage all members to attend the 36th Annual International Collegiate conference where aspiring members will receive the opportunity to network, absorb the knowledge of top marketers, and interact with other collegiate chapters. Members will also participate in the SABRE Business Simulation competiton, Chapter T-shirt competition, Chapter Plan/Annual Report Awards Competition, AMA SavesLives competition, and the AMA Chapter Website competition.